Hi ,
I would like to know if its possible to EDIT / UPDATE the Oracle Service name PATH= , via SAS SMC.
We need to update this name for the libnames to work in EG. Thanks in advance.
NEWSERVER10G (This value is contained in the tnsnames.ora file generated during the Oracle installation. The file is stored in an Oracle installation directory such as /opt/oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora . The alias for the connection information is contained in this file. See the following figure.) |
you would have to modify the properties of the oracle server that are defined in SASMC and associated with the oracle lib.
(In Server Manager, right click on serv, properties, path info ...)
Unfortunatley i`m unable to see the Path Info Edit option.
the indication by @anja is fully correct. In case you need some help with it, please find:
the full description here: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/bidsag/61236/HTML/default/viewer.htm#a002668269.htm
and a good discussion about the solved question here: https://communities.sas.com/t5/General-SAS-Programming/ORACLE-connection-error/td-p/201064
I think there might have been some confusion on this.
Tommy, it sounds like you want to change the name of the datasource being referenced in the "path=" option of your Oracle libary.
From my understanding, the PATH has to equal to one of the defined entries on the tnsnames.ora file. SAS MC is merely creating metadata objects and definitions that point to the configuration files on your server. You will have to actually update the tnsnames.ora file. Then you can update your definitions/paths in metadata (or on the libname statement).
I agree that the paths in TNS file has to match the one defined for the Oracle library. Here I`ve changed the Service name in the tns files.
I now need to know how to chnage the path= in SAS MC. Is there an utility i need to run to sync TNS Service name and sas mc service name (PATH=) .
Here you go.. IS there something that needs to be installed to ge the details under the Oracle server ?
No, you shouldn't need anything else installed. Right-click on the connection object in the right-hand pane called "Connection: AMLSS_Oracle_Dev" and view properties. On the properties window that pops up, click on the "Options" tab. The very first box labeled "Path" is where change the PATH.
I'm including an example screenshot.
This is how my screen looks like.The version is SAS 9.2
Yes got it .Thankyou. SMC 9.2 is really not organized well .
just to make sure we are on the right track:
You changed the ORA path in your tsn file, looking like (Example. If you don't see a screenshot, pls see attachment):
Next, you went to SASMC, Server Manager, Ora Server, right click, properties, path info. Just verifying: nothing in there?
I can see that you have multiple Ora server defined, are you looking at the correct one?
If you go to EG or BASE SAS, can you submit a libname statement to that Ora server?
I am hoping that - should there be any problem - we could get an error message.
Do you have any errors on the Ora side? Maybe an authorization problem?
Just throwing out some thoughts here.
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