Yes, there are MetadataCreated and MetadataUpdated attributes for all objects in metadata. The question is do you want it for the Person (representing the user identity) or the Login (representing the user id - one of the means they can be identified as that Person)? It is possible that they can be different. In the screenshot below you can see the SAS Demo User (Person object) with login sasdemo (Login object). I deleted and recreated the Login object several times after I created the Person object.
The SAS %MDUEXTR macro does not extract MetadataCreated and MetadataUpdated, so if you need those, and do not want to write the code yourself, we have alternative %metacodaPersonExtract and %metacodaIdentityLoginExtract macros in our idsync-utils github project that extract those extra attributes (and also handle long UTF-8 strings).