Hi All,
there are good practices for Audit , control and also bit bucket integration for version control in DIS.
is there a way for proper audit. Ie same one above( audit,control). but also WHAT has changed in the DI jobs in DIS? or any other procedures other than this for DI audit functionality to be turned on in DI.
Hi @sathya66
For version control you can use the GIT plugin added to DIS.
I don't understand the question about Auditing. Are you saying audit trail for any changes made in the DI Job?
The paper you reference pretty much describes how things need to be done.
As for auditing changes to DIS jobs: Isn't that what you could be using GIT for? Just create a package per job and check it into bit bucket whenever you're ready to promote change to the next environment.
Metadata loggers also do update changes in metadata, checkin, checkout etc.
is the parent logger for events that are performed on public objects. The logged events include adding, updating, deleting, checking out, checking in, and fetching objects, as well as undoing checkouts.
Audit.Meta.Updates.PublicObjects logs events about public objects in foundation and custom repositories. Audit.Meta.Updates.Project and Audit.Meta.Updates.Project.PublicObjects log information about public objects in project repositories.
@sathya66 - If users won't use version control then you have a management problem that can't be fixed by any technical workaround.
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