I use SAS Enterprise Guide 8.3, with Linux server and Windows SAS EG client. We recently moved from Netezza to Snowflake/Azure. This program expands the membership date spans into member months and has worked after we moved to the cloud however 2 months later (no changes to data) the program churns and I have to kill it. Does Snowflake not like the syntax for the do while program? Any ideas why this did work after move to Snowflake and now 1 month later it churns? SAMPLE DATA data member_spans; infile datalines delimiter= ','; input patient_id $ startElig:date9. endElig:date9. transfer; format startElig endElig date9. transfer dollar12.2; datalines; P12345678,01JAN2023,31OCT2023, 4000 Q23456789,01JAN2023,30JUN2023,461.43 R34567891,01JAN2023,31MAR2023,544.07 S45678912,01JAN2023,31AUG2023,3678.69 S45678912,01SEP2023,31OCT2023,923.46 T56789123,01OCT2023,31OCT2023,18930 U67891234,01JAN2023,31MAR2023,-1269.85 U67891234,01APR2023,31OCT2023,-3019.41 V78912345,01JAN2023,18JUL2023,-3196.49 V78912345,19JUL2023,14OCT2023,-1413.52 V78912345,15OCT2023,31OCT2023,-273.07 run; /*Expand into mms*/ data expand_2_mms; set Member_Spans ; by patient_id startElig endElig ; counter=1; if transfer ne .; do while(startElig <= endElig); output; startElig=intnx('month',startElig,1); counter=counter+1; if startElig >= endElig then leave; end; format startElig date9.; run;
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