Hi Robert, Since we need a distance measure to feed into the 'proc cluster', 'proc distance (method=dgower)' produces a dissimilarity which is in the same meaning of a distance measure. So this is what we need here. Yes, there are 11 different methods in finding the hierarchical clustering structure in the data provided by the 'proc cluster'. These methods have different focus on how to find the distance between clusters. 'average linkage' take the distances of each pair of data in 2 clusters as the distance between them. It is a commonly-chosen method and it may also fit your case. The detailed descriptions about these 11 methods, the definitions, focuses, and references, can be found in the SAS document as below. You may want to read it and compare the advantages and disadvantages and choose the best one for your case. https://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/statug/63033/HTML/default/viewer.htm#statug_cluster_sect012.htm Yingjian
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