I found a mistake in the Prep Guide in chapter 6. I am using an online SkillPort version so I lack page numbers. Above Figure 6.2 in the data step creating work.test, there is a statement that begins with: if type=unknown and I believe it should be if type='unknown'
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Martin Mincey of SAS customer support provided the following solution, which only added the VPOS and HPOS parameters to our GOPTIONS statement: GOPTIONS RESET=ALL FTEXT="Arial" DEVICE=GIF HSIZE=8.4 gsfmode=replace
VPOS=42 HPOS=100;
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Post-submission edit: The defaults are the same. Only their sequencing is different. I have still not solved the sizing problem. I am currently experiencing this problem and noticed differences between the SAS 9.3 and SAS 9.4 ODS default style templates. You can see your defaults using: PROC TEMPLATE;
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Post-submission edit: The defaults are the same. Only their sequencing is different. I have still not solved the sizing problem. I am currently experiencing this problem and I noticed that I am seeing some differences between the SAS 9.3 and SAS 9.4 ODS default style templates. You can see your defaults using: PROC TEMPLATE;
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