I've noticed several typos in the SAS Certification Prep Guide, and I wondered if they are recorded somewhere.
Assuming the Base guide?
Called an 'update' instead of errata.
Thank you Reeza, that's what I wanted to know. . . .
Follow-up question. Is there a website to post any new suggested "updates?"
I found a mistake in the Prep Guide in chapter 6. I am using an online SkillPort version so I lack page numbers.
Above Figure 6.2 in the data step creating work.test, there is a statement that begins with:
if type=unknown
and I believe it should be
if type='unknown'
I also found some errors. I post them here for product improvement. My version of the book is september 2015
- Chapter 13 page 414 line "INPUT(source,format) " should be "INPUT(source, informat) "
- Chapter 13 page 412 "} ijnu8" should be deleted
- Chapter 2 page 54 "contents data=sasuser.admit varnum;" should be "proc datasets contents data=sasuser.admit varnum;"
- Chapter 2 page 60 In the code 3 prints are specified but 4 screenshots are printed. 1 is obsolete or an explanation why this screenshot is displayed is missing.
Can anyone confirm this thread is under the attention of the authors of the prep guide?
P.S. Would recommend this guide to everyone who wants to learn SAS!! Learned a lot!
@ShelleySessoms Can confirm that SAS will review errors in the certification guide?
Hi Reeza,
Yes, as @Cynthia_sas mentioned, SAS Press does routinely review errors. The links and emails she provided are perfect.
Thanks for your advice ! I got a confirmation from them today that they will change this in their errata.
Actually they should also update the guide to line up with SAS 9.4. For instance the yearcutoff option changed to 1926. In the guide they still talk about 1920. And maybe other things i am not aware of
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