Currently users are running EGP's on a remote Unix server (SAS 9.4). We currently have SAMBA mounts for the user to access files from windows desktop on the Unix server. We are starting to export some of the EGP to ".sas" files for production "batch" execution on a controlled SAS server. The issue is the EGP's reference files( non-sas datasets, xlsx, .csv...etc.) on the server via the users "mapped network SAMBA" shares. This causes errors as the reference to the location of the file is relative for each person creating an EGP and will not work on a Unix server as straight SAS code. Example: In Enterprise Guide location/file works fine as P:\data_dir1\data_subdir_1\control.txt. Fails when run on a Unix system as there is no such directory structure. The users/developers are willing to change the file locations in the EGP(s) to a Unix hard path but when they try to do so in the EGP the only thing they can see is Servers -> SASAPP -> user home directory on Unix sever. How do I setup additional Unix server file system references under SASAPP so the Enterprise Guide users can pick a different physical location other than their Unix home directory ???
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