I am migrating a couple of jobs and codes from sas 9.3 to sas 9.4. One of the codes is using data quality functions like this:
%dqload(dqlocale=(ESMEX), dqsetuploc="/<qkb path>/dqsetup.txt");
filename names '/<customized qkb path>/scheme/ESMEX_namess.sch.bfd';
After that there is a data step where functions like this are called:
Also there are calls to:
- dqparse
- dqmatch
- dqidentify
- dqparsetokenget.
All codes and jobs works fine in sas 9.3, now I am starting to test in 9.4 I am unable to start with this first code. I must say it is running from command line in a Unix environment and all the services are running (started). The errors in the log file are:
%dqload(dqlocale=(ESMEX), dqsetuploc="/<qkb path>/dqsetup.txt");
NOTE: DQLOAD macro beginning.
WARNING: No QKB metadata could be found.
NOTE: DQLOAD macro ending.
And linew below, on the same log file:
INFO: Character variables have defaulted to a length of 200 at the places given by: (Line):(Column). Truncation can result.
150:1 name_1
151:1 name_2
ERROR: Internal error detected in function DQSTANDARDIZE. The DATA step is terminating during the EXECUTION phase.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: SAS set option OBS=0 and will continue to check statements. This might cause NOTE: No observations in data set.
NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set LIBRARY.DATASETNAME
What I did was to copy all the folder for the qkb from sas 9.3 and put on a path in sas 9.4, and also add the path to the app.cfg for this Data Management Server installation like this:
qkb/path = /opt/sas/qkb/ci/26/<subfolders for customized qkb>
In dqsetup also did some modifications to the original file:
DISK <dataquality>\<subfolders for customized qkb>\chopinfo;
DISK <dataquality>\<subfolders for customized qkb>\grammar;
DISK <dataquality>\<subfolders for customized qkb>\locale;
DISK <dataquality>\<subfolders for customized qkb>\phonetx;
DISK <dataquality>\<subfolders for customized qkb>\regexlib;
DISK <dataquality>\<subfolders for customized qkb>\scheme;
DISK <dataquality>\<subfolders for customized qkb>\vocab;
Am I missing something? Please if anyone have experience on this, help can be awesome. Do i need to register something on metadata?
Thank you for your help.
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