Hi, I have been given a txt file that has multiple tables of data in it- each is a matrix of the connectivity of a network. I want to import each table, sum the number of segments each is attached to (to identify which segments are at the top of the network relative to the others) and then append them into a single table. The number of columns and rows changes in each of the tables (as different parts of the network have varying numbers of segments). I've done it for a single file (example below): ,DBS3B1,30-R12884,30-R68054,30-R1542,30-R1585,30-R1587,30-R1540,30-R1541,30-R188,30-R336,30-R68935,30-R2882,30-R2570,30-R3197,30-R3008,30-R13213 DBS3B1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 30-R12884,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30-R68054,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,, 30-R1542,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,, 30-R1585,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,,,,,, 30-R1587,,,,,,1,1,1,,,,,,,, 30-R1540,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,, 30-R1541,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,, 30-R188,,,,,,,,,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 30-R336,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,, 30-R68935,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,, 30-R2882,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,1,1, 30-R2570,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,, 30-R3197,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,, 30-R3008,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1, 30-R13213,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 Part of the OUTPUT: DBS3B1 16 30-R12884 1 30-R13213 1 30-R1540 1 30-R1541 1 30-R1542 1 30-R1585 4 30-R1587 3 30-R188 8 The issue that I'm having is that they have given me a single file with a matrix for each feeder of the network - here is an example of the format showing 2 feeders (tables) - the first row of the new table is ,CBP142 33kV,30-R3893,30-F3890 - can someone given me a start on how to get SAS to read this and identify that there are 2 tables, my actual file has hundreds of matrixs so I can't do it manually. ,CBP142 22kV,30-R11970,30-R12880,30-FL62656,30-F3945 CBP142 22kV,1,1,1,1,1 30-R11970,,1,1,1, 30-R12880,,,1,, 30-FL62656,,,,1, 30-F3945,,,,,1 ,CBP142 33kV,30-R3893,30-F3890 CBP142 33kV,1,1,1 30-R3893,,1,1 30-F3890,,,1 I'm using SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1
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