Hello Luke, we are running also a Grid but with different version (SAS 9.4 M3 to M5) and LSF 9.1.3. 1. How Do you set the queue definition in the grid options set? I use here queue=”<target queue>” in the Grid options field. 2. It’s a question how you run the batch jobs. We are using the SASGSUB for batch jobs with the ability to control most of the options. Which scheduler will you use, Plattform Process Manager? 3. There is an option for making SAS Applications gridCapable if they are not by default, maybe this is an option? http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/gridref/67371/HTML/default/viewer.htm#n1inymfs0b7go2n147xdknz0ygpx.htm Also you could have a look to the ‘esub’ feature of LSF. It is described in ‘Administering Platform LSF’ under the topic ‘External Job Submission and Execution Controls’. It is an external script (bash) which can change a job’s Options. In your case you can switch the queues or something else based on the user or something else. We use it for the things not are possible under the standards (e.g. Connection Services, debug feature) for direct them to the grid. It is very handy option but could be a potential performance bottleneck if the script run’s long time. Best regards, Andreas
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