Came across something today that challenged my understanding of how I thought macro code worked vs the code the macro generates.
I've always though macro invocation completed prior to any of the code it generated getting run. Apparently that isn't the case.
Here's the log from a simple test using sashelp.baseball. Note that the 1st observation in the baseball dataset does have Cleveland as a value, so the team macro variable would be created at the end of the data step.
I was under the impression though that the entire macro runs prior to any code it generates is run. If that were the case, the team macro variable below would not exist prior to the %if checks after the macro was run. What I'm seeing is the macro processor is feeding statements to the input stream of the SAS processor and running the code at each step boundary. Am I reading this correctly?
4715 %macro checkteam;
4716 data _null_;
4717 set sashelp.baseball;
4718 if team='Cleveland' then do;
4719 call symputx('team',team);
4720 stop;
4721 end;
4722 run;
4724 %put &=team;
4725 %if &team=Oakland %then %put It was Oakdland;
4726 %if &team=Cleveland %then %put It was Cleveland;
4727 %mend;
4728 options mlogic symbolgen mprint;
4730 %put &=team;
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference TEAM not resolved.
4731 %checkteam;
MLOGIC(CHECKTEAM): Beginning execution.
MPRINT(CHECKTEAM): data _null_;
MPRINT(CHECKTEAM): set sashelp.baseball;
MPRINT(CHECKTEAM): if team='Cleveland' then do;
MPRINT(CHECKTEAM): call symputx('team',team);
NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set SASHELP.BASEBALL.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEAM resolves to Cleveland
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEAM resolves to Cleveland
MLOGIC(CHECKTEAM): %IF condition &team=Oakland is FALSE
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEAM resolves to Cleveland
MLOGIC(CHECKTEAM): %IF condition &team=Cleveland is TRUE
MLOGIC(CHECKTEAM): %PUT It was Cleveland
It was Cleveland
MLOGIC(CHECKTEAM): Ending execution.
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