That is three kinds of clever Sanjay and I'll confess that I'm jealous. I'll mark your answer as correct when the "Correct Answer" button finally shows back up.
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Is there a way to specify two x variables in a bar chart using GTL? One way I have found is to create a dummy variable that is a string concatenation of the individual variables and use that as the x in sgplot. It works but it means I have to do a lot of hand chart work in the graphics editor; I'm looking to avoid that by coding it instead. I have attached some sample data to play with and a PDF of a mock up of what I'm looking to do. Thanks, Adrian.
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So I have tried a number of ways to get a vector image from some gtl code using ODS statements. It runs fine and creates a chart in any file format I tell it to. The problem is the (very unhelpful) image dump into a vector file. Emf, pdf, sasemf, wmf all render the same way: my chart as a raster image embedded in the otherwise empty vector file! :smileyangry: So how do I get SAS9.2 to output a vector file and not a vector file with a raster image embedded in it? System specs: Windows 7 64-bit (fully patched). SAS 9.2 TS Level 2M0 W32_VSPro Thanks, Adrian.
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This maybe just me being stubborn but I refuse to believe that I can't get error bars in a barchart statement using proc template. The documentation indicates no love but I just don't buy it. I can get error bars from barchartparm in proc template. I can get error bars from vbar in sgplot. So how do I get an error bar in a barchart statement in proc template? If the answer is "You can't get an error bar from barchart" can someone point me to the complaint/feature request page? I have a long, expletive laden rant to unload! :smileylaugh: j/k. Thanks.
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I am bringing an Excel file,with two worksheets, into SAS 9.2. I want each worksheet to be a data set. I add labels and informats and formats and everything works fine doing two data steps. Out of curiosity, is there a way to set labels, informats and formats for two different data sets in the same data step? In other words, can you reference a specific data sets' attributes within a given data step? Thanks, Adrian.
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