Hello, I was able to generate an excel file with ODS EXCEL and I added 3 lines at the beginning of the file using proc odstext; Everything works fine except that the user sas name is added twice in the generated excel. Once at the beginning before the proc odstext and once before starting the table. Any idea to avoid inserting the user sas name? Code used: ODS EXCEL FILE=exprt options(sheet_name="sheetname" sheet_interval='none' embedded_titles='yes' autofilter='1-11' FLOW="TABLES" ); proc odstext; p "Title1" / style=[color=#003366 font_weight=bold]; p "Title2 %sysfunc(UPCASE(%sysfunc(compress(&Date)))) %sysfunc(year("&Date."d))" / style=[color=#003366 font_weight=bold]; p "Title3" ; run; Thanks!
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