Hi Everybody, First of all, I'm using SAS Enterprise Guide V8.3.0.103, SAS Visual Analytics V8.5.2 and SAS VIYA V03.05. I've prepared my data in Enterprise guide. I've made a left join between two tables, and, logically, I've got some data with no correspondance and it's make a null value. For example, in my Table 1 I've an ordered quantity (A), a delivered quantity (B), and in my Table 2 I've got a reserved quantities (C). Of course, because of I haven't a reserved quantity for each order, the reserverd quantity may be equal to NULL. I want to create a calculated element (R), the formula is : R = A-B-C R = 4-2-NULL => Result is "." and I would like to have 2 If C is not null (or missing) my result is correct. If C is null (or missing), I have no result !!! What kind of solution may I use to have C = 0 when C is missing or NULL ? Thanks in advance. Michel.
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