Hi everyone! I’m working on the causal mediation analysis. Because of missing data in my study variables, I chose multiple imputation to generate 5 completed datasets. After finishing the causalmed analysis of all dataset. I found it difficult to pool the results together. The examples given in the sashelp use ‘ods output parameterestimates = result’ to generate the result for MIANALYZE. But when I put same syntax in sas, a warning occurred listed below. WARNING: Output 'parameterestimates' was not created. Make sure that the output object name, label, or path is spelled correctly. Also, verify that the appropriate procedure options are used to produce the requested output object. For example, verify that the NOPRINT option is not used. I’ve tried to replace ‘ParameterEstimates’ with ‘MediatorEstimates’. The result stayed same. Is there any code that could generate parameter estimates in proc causalmed that could be used in MIANALYZE? Many thanks! My code proc mi data = pat nimpute = 5 out = newpat5 minimum = 0 seed = 309943001; fcs regpmm(leptin) outiter = para5; var hwbmi vsage1 cvd leptin; run; proc causalmed data = newpat5; class status(ref = first) drink smoke bmi cvd; model status = event leptin; mediator leptin = event; covar drink smoke bmi cvd; bootstrap CI (PERC) Nboot = 1000; by _Imputation_; ods output parameterestimates = result; run;
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