NOTE: The data set WORK.MUTNC_6 has 1623160 observations and 83 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.MUTNC_6 decreased size by 99.32 percent.
Compressed is 11062 pages; un-compressed would require 1623160 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 49.28 seconds
cpu time 48.95 seconds
WARNING: Out of memory.
ERROR: File WORK.COMB.DATA is damaged. I/O processing did not complete.
ERROR: File WORK.MUTNC_6.DATA is damaged. I/O processing did not complete.
ERROR: File WORK.'SASTMP-000000961'n.UTILITY is damaged. I/O processing did not complete.
NOTE: PROCEDURE APPEND used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
NOTE: The file WORK.MUTNC_6.DATA has been closed by the SASFILE statement.
102 %ty(ua=7);
NOTE: The data set WORK.MUTNC_7 has 6724520 observations and 84 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.MUTNC_7 decreased size by 99.30 percent.
Compressed is 46924 pages; un-compressed would require 6724520 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 3:29.58
cpu time 3:29.63
WARNING: Out of memory.
ERROR: File WORK.COMB.DATA is damaged. I/O processing did not complete.
ERROR: File WORK.MUTNC_7.DATA is damaged. I/O processing did not complete.
ERROR: File WORK.'SASTMP-000000964'n.UTILITY is damaged. I/O processing did not complete.
NOTE: PROCEDURE APPEND used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%macro ty(ua=);
%let u=&ua.;
data mutnc_&ua;
*array x[5] $3 ('ant' 'bee' 'cat' 'dog' 'ewe');
array x[&mu_n] $500 (&mutatn.);
array c[&mu_n] $500;
* do u=1 to 5;
array i[&u];
ncomb=comb(n,k); /* The one extra call goes back */
do j=1 to ncomb; /* to the first combination. */
call allcombi(n, k, of i[*], add, remove);
do h=1 to k;
*put @4 j= @10 'i= ' i[*] +3 'c= ' c[*] +3 add= remove=;
sasfile work.mutnc_&ua. open;
proc append base=comb data=mutnc_&ua force;
sasfile work.mutnc_&ua. close;
*%put &u.;
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