I am presenting the following problem, it is bringing me only a part of the columns This is how the columns of my table are, I need to eliminate what is highlighted in yellow, that is, P_ld and _with the number I am using this code suggested by @Reeza but it is giving me this result. proc sql noprint;
select catx (' = ', name, substr(scan(name, 2, "_"),3)) into :rename_list separated by
" " from sashelp.vcolumn where libname='WORK' and memname='RESULTADOS_VAR_CLEAN' and
upcase(name) like 'P_%';
quit; but what I really need is for the entire word to remain example: ACCESO_ADMIN_JUSTICIA AYUDA_HUMANITARIA DEBIDO_PROCESO DERECHO_DE_PETICION . . . .
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