Hey, I'm actually struggling a bit with the behaviour of the "good old" PROC TRANSPOSE and the CAS Action TRANSPOSE. I want to transpose the four Petal/Sepal Columns by the column species Species PetalWidth PetalLength SepalWidth SepalLength Setosa 10 20 100 200 Versicolor 5 6 7 8 Virginica 1 2 3 4 Using proc transpose data=iris2 out=iris4;
by Species;
quit; would lead to: Species _NAME_ COL1 Setosa SepalLength 200 Setosa SepalWidth 100 Setosa PetalWidth 10 Setosa PetalLength 20 Versicolor ... ... Virginica ... ... So far, so good. When I now switch to the new world in CAS and using CASL actions, the TRANSPOSE action behaves in another way. Here you need to name an "ID" column, and in the output you will get a transposed column for each unique value of this one (and not the expected "COL1" column). proc cas;
transpose.transpose /
table={caslib="casuser", name="IRIS2", groupBy="Species"},
casOut={name="IRIS4", replace=TRUE, caslib="casuser"}
quit; Species Variable Setosa Versicolor Virginica Versicolor SepalLength 8 Versicolor SepalWidth 7 ... ... Virginica SepalLength 4 Ist this something you can change with settings? I do not find anything except the description of exactly this behaviour. And you cannot skip the ID column (as in PROC TRANSPOSE) as this is a required parameter. To merge the three columns in an additional step afterwords is possible, but there should be a smarter solution, right? Any ideas? Cheers, Tim
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