Hi, I am working with RRM 6.1 / IRM 3.6 and I would like to create a job flow instance in batch using SAS Enterprise Guide. Therefore I run the following code: %include "&fa./source/sas/ucmacros/*.sas";
%irm_setup(source_path = &irm_home./, fa_id = &fa_id.);
%let irm_host=http://myserver.net;
%let irm_port=7980;
%let instance_Key=;
instance_name = myInstance
, description = myInstance-Description
, entityID = myEntity
, entityRoleKey = 2 /* 1=solo, 2=group */
, category = regulatory_risk_management
, jobflowFile = rrm_capital_calculation.bpmn
, baseDate = &my_month.
, configSetId = crd4
, federatedAreaID = &fa_id.
, host = &irm_host.
, port = &irm_port.
, debug = false
, outvar = instance_Key
%put instance_Key = &instance_Key.; That works perfectly fine: The instance will be created and started automatically and in the macro variable &instance_Key I get the instance ID of the new instance. Then I would like to share the instance by running the following macro call: %irm_rest_manage_instance (instanceKey = &instance_Key.
, host = &irm_host.
, port = &irm_port.
, outds = status_share
, action = Share
); Unfortunately that does not work as expected. When executing the code, an error occurs and the script aborts: ...
NOTE: PROCEDURE HTTP used (Total process time):
4 The SAS System Monday, June 8, 2020 08:32:00 AM
real time 0.42 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
NOTE: restartLUA was set to Y
NOTE: _RISKEXEC_RC_ (before lua call) is -2
NOTE: TKLua terminated.
NOTE: Previous Lua state destroyed.
NOTE: Lua initialized.
1 The SAS System Monday, June 8, 2020 08:38:00 AM
ERROR: module 'entry_point_caller' not found:
no field package.preload['entry_point_caller']
no file '/opt/sas/config/Lev1/AppData/SASIRM//rrm.v201909/source/lua/entry_point_caller.lua'
no file '/opt/sas/config/Lev1/AppData/SASIRM//rrm.v201909/source/lua/entry_point_caller.luc'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/entry_point_caller.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/loadall.so'
no file './entry_point_caller.so'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function '_G.require'
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE LUA used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
NOTE: _RISKEXEC_RC_ (after lua call) is -2
ERROR: Calling Lua functions "irmRestManageInstance" in module "sas.risk.irm.irm_rest_parser".
ERROR: A system fatal error has occurred. No further processing will be executed.
>>> Abending at macro call stack.
>>> irm_rest_manage_instance-> rsk_call_riskexec-> irmfw_terminate
ERROR: Execution canceled by an %ABORT CANCEL statement.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing due to receiving a CANCEL request. What is strange - nevertheless the error message, the instance will get shared. So the problem is actually just the error message (and the abortion of the script). Does anybody know - what is the reason for that error message and what do I do wrong? And how can I do to avoid the above error message? Thanks in advance! Best regards, Helmut
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