Hi All, By using below code I am getting the following output. SAS Code: /*--Adverse Events timeline data--*/ data ae0; retain aestdateMin; retain aeendateMax; attrib aestdate informat=yymmdd10. format=date7.; attrib aeendate informat=yymmdd10. format=date7.; format aestdateMin aeendateMax date7.; drop aestdateMin aeendateMax; input aeseq aedecod $ 5-39 aesev $ aestdate aeendate; aestdateMin=min(aestdate, aestdateMin); aeendateMax=max(aeendate, aeendateMax); call symputx('mindate', aestdateMin); call symputx('maxdate', aeendateMax); y=aeseq; if aedecod=" " then y=-9; cards; . MILD 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 Legend . MODERATE 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 Legend . SEVERE 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 Legend 1 DIZZINESS MODERATE 2013-03-06 2013-03-07 2 COUGH MILD 2013-03-20 . 3 APPLICATION SITE DERMATITIS MILD 2013-03-26 2013-06-18 4 DIZZINESS MILD 2013-03-27 2013-03-27 5 ELECTROCARDIOGRAM T WAVE INVERSION MILD 2013-03-30 . 6 DIZZINESS MILD 2013-04-01 2013-04-11 7 DIZZINESS MILD 2013-04-01 2013-11-11 8 APPLICATION SITE DERMATITIS MODERATE 2013-03-26 2013-06-18 9 HEADACHE MILD 2013-05-17 2013-05-18 10 APPLICATION SITE DERMATITIS MODERATE 2013-03-26 2013-06-18 11 PRURITUS MODERATE 2013-05-27 2013-06-18 ; run; /*proc print;run;*/ /*--Evaluate min and max day and dates--*/ data _null_; set ae0; minday=0; maxday= &maxdate - &mindate; minday10 = -20; mindate10=&mindate - 20; call symputx('minday', minday); call symputx('maxday', maxday); call symputx('minday10', minday10); run; /*--Compute start and end date and bar caps based on event start, end--*/ data ae2; set ae0; aestdy= aestdate-&mindate+0; aeendy= aeendate-&mindate+0; stday=aestdy; enday=aeendy; if aestdy=. then do; stday=&minday; lcap='ARROW'; end; if aeendy=. then do; enday=&maxday; hcap='ARROW'; end; xs=0; run; /*ods escapechar="^";*/ /*--Custom style for severity of events--*/ proc template; define Style AETimelineV93; parent = styles.htmlblue; style GraphColors from graphcolors / "gdata1" = cx5fcf5f "gdata2" = cxdfcf3f "gdata3" = cxbf3f3f; style GraphFonts from GraphFonts / 'GraphDataFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",5pt) 'GraphValueFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",7pt) 'GraphTitleFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",11pt); end; run; /*--Draw the Graph--*/ ods html close; ods graphics / reset width=5in height=3in imagename="Fig12_6_AETimeline_V93"; ods listing style=AETimelineV93 image_dpi=100; title "Adverse Events for Patient Id = xx-xxx-xxxx"; proc sgplot data=ae2 noautolegend nocycleattrs; /*--Draw the events--*/ highlow y=aeseq low=stday high=enday / group=aesev lowlabel=aedecod type=bar barwidth=0.8 lineattrs=(color=black) lowcap=lcap highcap=hcap name='sev'; /*--Assign dummy plot to create independent X2 axis--*/ scatter x=aestdate y=aeseq / markerattrs=(size=0); refline 0 / axis=x lineattrs=(thickness=1 color=black); /*--Assign axis properties data extents and offsets--*/ yaxis display=(nolabel noticks novalues) type=discrete; xaxis grid label='Study Days' offsetmin=0.02 offsetmax=0.02 values=(&minday10 to &maxday by 2); /*--Draw the legend--*/ keylegend 'sev'/ title='Severity :'; run; Query: In the x axis scale how can we utilize maximum scale between Day -20 to Day 100 by 10 and also display the values 200 and 300 in the scale? I have tried with LOGSTYLE and LOGBASE options None did not work. Thanks, csa
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