Hi, you could set the symbol size to be 0px. However, all the symbols would be invisible.
You could also just create 2 new variables (such as X2_ and Y2_) that you would use in the SCATTER statement, and these two new variable could just have the points that you want plotted.
proc sgplot data=fina noautolegend ;
by avisitn avisit;
ods output sgplot=sg;
scatter X=X2_ Y=Y2_ / group = trt01p groupdisplay=cluster name='s' markerattrs=(size=8px);
reg X=X_ Y=Y_/ group = trt01p name='r' lineattrs=(thickness=2px);
discretelegend "s" / title="Treatment:" location=outside position=bottom linelength=1.6cm across=5 down=3;
discretelegend "r" / title="Treatment:" location=outside position=bottom linelength=1.6cm across=5 down=3;
yaxis min=&min1 max=&max1 valueattrs=(size=10) valueshint label="YYYY" labelattrs=(size=10);
xaxis min=&min2 max=&max2 valueattrs=(size=10) valueshint label="XXXX" labelattrs=(size=10);
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