Hi I have tried everything 🙂 Hope you have some other ideas? We have created some data in a SAS table, and want to export it to Excel. I am trying to execute this code to open my data in Excel proc template; define style styles.mwastyle; style fonts / 'titlefont' = ('Arial, Albany AMT, Times, Verdana, Helvetica',12pt,bold) 'headerfont' = ('Arial, Albany AMT, Times, Verdana, Helvetica',12pt,bold) 'rowheaderfont' = ('Arial, Albany AMT, Times, Verdana, Helvetica',12pt,bold italic) 'datafont' = ('Arial, Albany AMT, Times, Verdana, Helvetica',10pt) 'datasumfont' = ('Arial, Albany AMT, Times, Verdana, Helvetica',10pt,bold) 'footerfont' = ('Arial, Albany AMT, Times, Verdana, Helvetica',12pt,italic) ; style systemtitle / font = fonts('titlefont') protectspecialchars = off ; style header / font = fonts('headerfont') protectspecialchars = off ; style data / font = fonts('datafont') protectspecialchars = off ; style dataemphasis / /*font = fonts('datasumfont')*/ font = fonts('datafont') protectspecialchars = off ; style body / font = fonts('datafont') protectspecialchars = off ; end; run; %LET FELT_MSO_FORMAT_TEXT = ; %LET FELT_MSO_FORMAT_TEXT = ; %LET FELT_MSO_FORMAT_0DEC = ; %LET FELT_MSO_FORMAT_2DEC = ; /*style={tagattr='format:[Red]\($#,##0\)'};*/ %LET FELT_MSO_FORMAT_4DEC = ; %LET FELT_MSO_FORMAT_2DEC_PCT = ; %let reportno = %sysfunc(int(%sysfunc(datetime()))); %let old_header = %sysfunc(stpsrv_header(Content-type,application/vnd.ms-excel)); %let old_header = %sysfunc(stpsrv_header(Content-disposition,%str(attachment;filename=Rapport_&reportno..xlsx))); OPTIONS MISSING=''; ODS EXCEL FILE = _WEBOUT STYLE = mwastyle options(/* for multiple procs/sheet */ sheet_interval ="none" embedded_titles="yes" sheet_name ="&TITEL1" frozen_headers ="off" autofilter ="no" ); After this I also Close the ODS Excel file. Then Excel opens, and Excel throws the message "We found a problem with some content in FILENAME.XLSX. Do you want to try to recover as much data as we can" If I says Yes, then my data opens fine, and everything is as I expects. Excel has not lost any data at all. Can anyone understand, what it is, I am not setting up, to let me allow to open my data in excel, with out the message. If I save the data in excel, without doing any changes to it. It opens fine, without any message, the next time i open file. It is Excel 365 proplus Thanks in advance
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