I can a copy from the library. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll try RSPL. I understand your alternative; I read about it in an ecology statistics book. Help me learn something. How would this be implemented? Our data is the computed proportion (because the dataset was originally analyzed assuming a normal distribution). I assume that that data won't work for the alternative method. Would I have to go back to the original data where each record represents an instance where a call was made? I know that the spss procedure genlinmixed allows the data to be expressed as the number of successes of the number of attempts, where the number of attempts can be a variable in the dataset. I just assume sas can do that, why not, but does glimmix have that capability? If so, where/how would it be documented? Lastly, the other problem is proportions of 0.0 or 1.0. In these current analyses, those values are recoded to 0.005 and 0.995, respectively. What happens in a logit formulation? Discarded as undefined? Given an arbitrarily large or small value, which is what mplus apparently does? I agree that your proposed model is a better representation of the data. The question is implementation.
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