We have GPS-data (latitude and longitude). We want to find the Dutch zipcode/postalcode of those latitudes and longitudes.
What did we find
We found SAS programming code where we could determine country and province (yeah!). But not the zipcode/postalcode.
So we searched for alternatives. We 'own' a set with dutch zipcodes and de 'Rijksdriehoek-coördinaten (RD)' in X and Y. In theory we can determine de zipcode IF we can convert latitude and longitude to RD-coordinates.
After a day of searching the net we found a matrix-formula in Excel! The next challenge is tranforming the excelformula into SAS.
X = 155000+SUM({190094,945;-11832,228;-144,221;-32,391;-0,705;-2,34;-0,608;-0,008;0,148}*(0,36*(Latitude-52,1551744))^{0;1;2;0;1;3;1;0;2}*(0,36*(Longitude-5,38720621))^{1;1;1;3;0;1;3;2;3})
Y =463000+SUM({309056,544;3638,893;73,077;-157,984;59,788;0,433;-6,439;-0,032;0,092;-0,054}*(0,36*(Latitude-52,1551744))^{1;0;2;1;3;0;2;1;0;1}*(0,36*(Longitude-5,38720621))^{0;2;0;2;0;1;2;1;4;4})
How do we get this formula in SAS?
latitude = 52,07607 --> X = 84514,59
longitude = 4,35903 --> Y = 454697,9
Your help is very welcome.
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