I am using 'proc tabulate' procedure to know whether are dependencies between two vars in a SAS dataset
This is my proc:
PROC FREQ DATA = tabsas.customer_churn_telco4;
TABLES rango_tenure * Churn /CHISQ;
I attached the output of the freq. If I take a look to the output I see dependecies between 'churn' and 'rango_tenure' vars.
The distribution of 'churn' var change between groups of 'rango_tenure' values.
I see that p-value is under 0.05 then I can say that there is a dependency, is that true??
The value of chi-square test is high, Can I say that the bigger the value the stronger the dependency?, is that true??
If I use more vars in proc tabulate checking the dependecies with 'churn', I can see that the bigger value in chi-square test gives the most important var (the stronger dependency)?
Thanks in advance
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