Hello, I'm trying to get the Microsoft SQL connected to SAS, I've followed the attached document till the page number 13 , from page 4 (libname statement ) , using below code , However couldn't able to get the desired result. Code1: proc sql; connect to odbc as mycon ( Datasrc='*****' USER="******" PASSWORD="*****"); quit; ERROR: CLI error trying to establish connection: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified if i change "odbc " to "SQLSVR" then getting below error Code2: proc sql; connect to SQLSVR as mycon ( Datasrc='*****' USER="******" PASSWORD="*****"); quit; ERROR: The SQLSVR engine cannot be found. ERROR: A Connection to the SQLSVR DBMS is not currently supported, or is not installed at your site. Kindly suggest on this...
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