Dear all, I want to define recursively a data step inside of a macro but it it nos allow. I have the code below: Anyone can help me to transform it in something that works? Thank you all %do year=2017 %to 2019; %do month=1 %to 12; %do mod_id=8 %to 14; data calibracion_&year.&month.&mod_id._2; set test&year.&month.bmod_id&mod_id.; format flag_event $2.; flag_event = ind_incumplimiento; output; run; title 'Logistic Regression: M008'; proc logistic data=calibracion_&year.&month.&mod_id._2 descending; /* To model 1s rather than 0s, we use the descending option */ model flag_event = raw_logit / clparm=wald; ods output ParameterEstimates = calibration_&year.&month.&mod_id.; run; data _null_; set calibration_&year.&month.&mod_id.; if variable='Intercept' then call symputx('a_mod&year.&month.&mod_id',estimate); if variable NE 'Intercept' then call symputx('b_mod&year.&month.&mod_id',estimate); run; %end; %end;%end; %mend; %parametros
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