I have a reference table similar to this: Group SalesID Team A 123 Team A 234 Team A 345 Team A 456 Team B 567 Team B 796 Team B 210 Team B 999 I want each iteration of the macro to run for each Group value (or put another way, my final output is per Group), but the lookup value in all of my transaction tables is SalesID. So if I was running a report based on Team B, I would use (in PROC SQL, for example) SalesID in ('567','796','210','999'). A SalesID only ever belongs to one Group, but the number of SalesID per Group varies. My experience with macros is limited, so when I think about doing this I'm not sure how I could write my code so that each iteration of the macro runs off of multiple values for one parameter (SalesID).
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