As Posted earlier, I am able to find the %age of duplicates. Now, I use SGPLOT to plot a line graph for the analysis. Duplicate % on Y Axis and Month on X axis. I am able to do it for One Variable i.e Month and want to combine Month&Year on X axis. proc sql;
create table duplicates_11 as
select (count(batch_id)- count(distinct(batch_id)))/count(batch_id)
as Duplicate format percent8.2,
month(datepart(Ptime_build)) as Month,
year(datepart(Ptime_Build)) as Year,
Final_Date = MDY(Month,1,Year) format=MONYY5.
MDY(Month, 1, Year) format=monyy5. as Final_Date
from pankaj.mv_yield_detail_mm
where PTIME_BUILD is not missing
group by Month, Year;
quit; Am I using the wrong format or the syntax is incorrect?
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