Hi @mcc - A potential cause for this behavior where the Designer and Definitions tabs are missing in CI Studio may be that the SID file was not updated in metadata when the SETINIT was most recently applied.
Steps for updating the SID file in metadata can be found in the Software License Renewal Instructions for SAS 9.4 for UNIX and for Windows within the 'Update the SID File in Metadata for Applicable SAS Solutions' section.
If the SID file was not updated in metadata when your SETINIT was most recently applied, updating the SID file in metadata may resolve this issue.
If the problem persists, please open a track with SAS Technical Support, and we will be happy to help you.
To open a track with SAS Technical Support, you can:
- Open a technical support track by e-mailing the problem description and attachments to support@sas.com. If you are creating a technical support track by e-mailing, please include the site number of the pertaining environment.
- Files that are too large to e-mail can be sent by FTP, using the instructions that are available at http://support.sas.com/kb/20/941.html.
- Alternatively, you can start a technical support track by using the web form at http://support.sas.com/ctx/supportform/createForm.
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