Hey everyone! I am trying to import a dataset downloaded from California Health and Human Services website, in csv format. The file has about 893 rows and 5 columns. I want to import the file and build a dataset, so that I can do further research. But the log keeps showing that my sas cannot read the file.("0 records were read from the infile"), and I don't know how to fix that. so Here is the i am using: DATA ETHINICITY; INFILE 'C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Violent_Crime_Rate_California_2006-2010.csv' lrecl=32767 missover pad; RUN; Here is the log: The infile 'C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Violent_Crime_Rate_California_2006-2010.csv' is: Filename=C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Violent_Crime_Rate_California_2006-2010.csv, RECFM=V,LRECL=32767,File Size (bytes)=1319201, Last Modified=23Apr2017:22:22:13, Create Time=23Apr2017:22:22:12 NOTE: 0 records were read from the infile 'C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Violent_Crime_Rate_California_2006-2010.csv'. NOTE: The data set WORK.ETHINICITY has 1 observations and 0 variables.
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