Nevermind about my problem! I restarted SAS and just ran my data file and the code below and it worked. All i needed to do was change the file name. proc template; edit Base.Corr.StackedMatrix; column (RowName RowLabel) (Matrix) * (Matrix2); edit matrix; cellstyle _val_ = -1.00 as {backgroundcolor=CXEEEEEE}, _val_ <= -0.75 as {backgroundcolor=red}, _val_ <= -0.50 as {backgroundcolor=blue}, _val_ <= -0.25 as {backgroundcolor=cyan}, _val_ <= 0.25 as {backgroundcolor=white}, _val_ <= 0.50 as {backgroundcolor=cyan}, _val_ <= 0.75 as {backgroundcolor=blue}, _val_ < 1.00 as {backgroundcolor=red}, _val_ = 1.00 as {backgroundcolor=CXEEEEEE}; end; end; run; ods html body='corr.html' style=statistical; ods listing close; proc corr data=ifsns noprob; ods select PearsonCorr; run; ods listing; ods html close; proc template; delete Base.Corr.StackedMatrix; run;
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