Hi, I am looking for a way to get rid of Horizontal Rules in ODS HTML5. Cynthia wrote, that it can be done by changing the PAGBREAKHTML style attribute. Could someone show the code, how to do it? I am not really familiar with proc template.
I use SAS 9.4M1 on AIX and use a code like the following one:
goptions reset=all; goptions device =png; ods path WORK.TEMPLAT(UPDATE) TEMPL.TMPLMST(READ) SASUSER.TEMPLAT(READ) SASHELP.TMPLMST(READ) ; /* Template für andere Tabellendarstellung */ proc template; define style tab_pearl /store = WORK.TEMPLAT; parent= styles.pearl; style Body / marginright = 3 marginleft = 2 pagebreakhtml = html('PageBreakLine'); style html "Common HTML text used in the default style" / 'expandAll' = "<span onclick=""expandCollapse()"">" 'posthtml flyover line' = "</span><hr size=""3""/>" 'prehtml flyover line' = "<span><hr size=""3""/>" 'prehtml flyover bullet' = %nrstr("<span><b>·</b>") 'posthtml flyover' = "</span>" 'prehtml flyover' = "<span>" 'break' = "<br/>" 'Line' = "<hr size=""3""/>" 'PageBreakLine' = "<p style=""page-break-after: avoid;""><br/></p><hr size=""3""/>" 'fake bullet' = %nrstr("<b>·</b>"); end; run; title; ODS LISTING CLOSE; ODS HTML Close; ODS HTML5 options(bitmap_mode= 'inline' ) file="test.html" (title=" ") rs=none style=tab_pearl ; proc print data=sashelp.class(obs=5); run; proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars; vbar origin; run; proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars; vbar type; run; footnote justify=l "~S={font_weight=medium font_size=0.4cm} Erstellt am: %sysfunc(today(),eurdfdd10.) " ; ods html5 close; ods listing;
I tried to set page-break-after to "avoid" and an another few things, but always the Horizontal Rules stay there.
Any help is appreciated. Catrin
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