Since you do not have any other admin uid that you can use, you'll have to add your user id to the adminusers.txt file.
Once this is done, you can follow the steps described here:
In your SAS config dir, (Lev1/....../Metadata Server ...), you'll find the file adminusers.txt.
Edit it. You'll see *sasadm@saspw
Just return down below that line and add your user id in the same way *yourid.
Make sure you don't have any additional spaces/lines in between the sasadm and your user ID.
Save the changes, go to SASMC, log on with the user you added to the adminusers.txt file, and then
follow the steps as described in the link above.
You should remove your account from the adminusers.txt file and create your user ID in metadata,
adding it to the Admin group. Should you decide to leave it in the adminusers.txt file, make sure the file
is protected so no one can get to it - other than admins.
(protecting your config dir is generally a best practice and important).
Hope that helps!
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