Hi, I am using the BY statement with SGPLOT and I want my plots to appear in a pdf file with 3 graphs in each line, which I managed with the ODS statement below. However, when I do this, I no longer get the BY variable as a title above each graphs. Strangely, some of the graphs actually has the variable starting with ID=6 and all subsequent +4 (10, 14, 18, etc). I am using SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1. ods pdf file='C:\test.pdf' startpage=no columns=3; proc sgplot data=reshape noautolegend; by ID; scatter x=treat y=m / yerrorlower=lower yerrorupper=upper markerattrs=(color=black symbol=CircleFilled) errorbarattrs=(color=black); title1 'Log2 means with std. error bars'; xaxis label='uM HOCl (x10^2)'; yaxis label='Normalised Abundance (log2)'; run; I am open to any suggestions to circumvent this issue. Thanks in advance. Tina
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