Hi: TAGSETS.EXCELXP does NOT, NOT, NOT, ever create an XLSX file. TAGSETS.EXCELXP can ONLY create a simple .XML file which contains Spreadsheet Markup Language 2003 XML tags for a workbook/worksheet. The "official" file extension is .XML. If you use a .XLS file extension, typically, Excel will open the file, but display a message about the file extension not matching the contents. With TAGSETS.EXCELXP you should NEVER use XLSX as the file extension. With ODS EXCEL, on the other hand, the ONLY file extension you should use is .XLSX. If you truly used ODS EXCEL, then you should be able to open the .XLSX file with Excel, if you a creating the file on a Unix box, you might have to move the .XLSX file to a Windows machine so you can open the file. If you are using TAGSETS.EXCELXP, try using the simple .XML file extension and then moving the file to a system with Excel to open the file. cynthia
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