I am having my graduate students install Enterprise Miner OnDemand and some of them are getting an error, typically “Public Access is Denied”. In the last two weeks, I have installed Enterprise Miner on my home machine and work laptop without an issue. From looking at the forums as well as other searches, the “Public Access is Denied” error seems to occur when either the environmental URL is not entered during the installation or the student does not have the course information provided by his instructor (i.e., me). Neither of these issues seem to apply. Thus, I am trying to see if there are other reasons for the error and how to resolve them. Since some of our students have a Mac, we installed Enterprise Miner on an Amazon Web Server that is running Windows. The installation was done by the folks who maintain the server. During the installation, the correct environmental URL was entered. I verified that the install worked by logging into AWS, entering my SAS Username and password and successfully had Enterprise Miner running. I tried AWS again yesterday after some students had issues and I had no problems. For students using AWS, they only need to run Enterprise Miner, they have no install which seems to rule out the environmental URL as the cause for the error. For students who have a Windows machine, they were given the following instructions to install. https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Communities-Library/SAS-OnDemand-for-Academics-SAS-Enterprise-Miner-15-2/ta-p/852610 I am using the same course for the class that I have been using since January 2018. I have had no issues with both undergraduate and graduate students signing up for the course over the past 5 years. On my SAS OnDemand website, I see this course as well as some older courses under the Course Icon and nothing under the Enrollment Icon. I am not surprised since as the professor, I am not enrolled in any other courses. Some of my students have nothing under the Course Icon and the Course Information under the Enrollment Icon. Others have the Course Information under both the Course Icon and Enrollment Icon. No idea why there is a difference. Attached to this post is a Word document containing screenshots from some of the students. I asked students who had it working as well as those who had the error to send me screenshots of what they see on the SAS OnDemand website for what they see under the Course Icon as well as the Enrollment Icon. I had them tell me if they were using AWS or installing on their own machines as well as a screenshot of the error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Should I try creating a new course and see if that makes any difference? Any other information I should ask my students to send me? Jerry
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