Hi: I'm confused. N+NMISS would equal the total number ...since, by definition, the N statistic is the count of non-MISSING values and NMISS is the count of MISSING values. But, for example if you have 4 observations: name age gender height alan 10 M 68.0 bob 11 . carl . M 72.0 dave 12 72.4 you have 4 total observations. NAME has N=4 and NMISS=0; AGE has N=3 and NMISS=1; HEIGHT has N=3 and NMISS=1 and GENDER has N=2 and NMISS=2....so when you show Percent of non-missing, I get confused because the PCTN is automatically calculated with N (so it would be the percent of the nonmissing). But TABULATE will not "add" N+NMISS automatically. On the other hand, look at the difference the MISSING option has in PROC FREQ in the calculate of percentages. cynthia data testdata; infile datalines dlm=',' dsd; input name $ age gender $ height; datalines; alan, 10, M, 68.0 bob, 11, , . carl, ., M, 72.0 dave, 12 , , 72.4 ; run; ods listing; proc print data=testdata; run; proc freq data=testdata; title 'freq with missing option'; tables name gender age height / missing; run; proc freq data=testdata; title 'freq without missing option'; tables name gender age height ; run; proc tabulate data=testdata missing; title 'tabulate with n and nmiss'; var age height; table age,(mean std n nmiss pctn); table height,(mean std n nmiss pctn); run;
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