Hi all: I am wondering how to avoid displaying missing values in a table by proc tabulate. Say, for example, I have a clinical dataset with several variables such as treatment: group = 'case'/'control' frailty scale: fscale= 1,2,3 symtom: sym = 1,2,3; proc data=mydata out=test; class group; class fscale sym/ missing; table fscale sym, (group ALL)*(N PCTN) / missingtext='0'; run; I put 'missing' in the 'class' statement in order to get correct statistics. However, I don't want summary for missing values e.g Case Control fscale N PCTN N PCTN . 10 10 10 10 /* I don't want this line */ 1 0 0 5 5 ...... Is there any way to do that directly? I cannot find this option online. I tried to output the result to a table (test in this case) and remove the record corresponding to the first line. However, there is problem with this approach. Notice there is no value for Case and fscale = 1, which I printed as 0. SAS will not output it in the output table test. group fscale N... Control 1 10 /* this record is there in test*/ Case 1 0 ... /* this will not be outputed, but I need this to reconstruct my table */ Thanks,
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