I might have a solution for you, but it's not pretty...
Instead of freezing your groupings try saving them using this configuration in IGN (Interactive Grouping Node):
Use Frozen Groupings: Yes
Gini cutoff / Information Value Cutoff: 0 (this will allow to create groupings for all variables and then you can select manually in Interactive Grouping which one you reject or accept as input - VERY IMPORTANT TO DO THIS!)
Create Grouping Data :Yes
Create Method: Overwrite
Run the node. The groupings will be exported in the following table: EMSW<n>.IGN<m>_EXPORTGROUP (eg: EMSW1.IGN_EXPORTGROUP). Make sure you copy it in your permanent library.
(You can find <n> and <m> like this: attach a Code node to IGN, go to Code Editor, Macro Variables tab, EM_LIB contains your EMSW<n> and EM_METASOURCE_NODEID contains your IGN<m> or you can see it in IGN, Node ID.) You can delete the Code node afterwards.
Attach a Metadata node to IGN and change the New Role column to match exactly the Role column. This will create a template for your dataset, keeping the roles and levels of the variables as they are.
Going back to the same IGN, change these options:
Use Frozen Groupings: No
Import Grouping Data: Yes
Import Data Set: <library>.IGN<m>_EXPORTGROUP
Create Grouping Data: No
Gini cutoff / Information Value Cutoff: 0
Run it. This will create a dataset keeping your groupings but not your metadata (role, level of a var). Run the Metadata node again as it is and ... voilà. You can then use the groupings table and Metadata node on any dataset with identical structure.
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