Hi All, I've been playing around more, still trying to understand the environment in which code executes when you have a user-written function which calls run_macro() to execute a macro which generates data steps. I've also had some very helpful input from a little birdie, so wanted to share. (Any mistakes below are my own, I haven't separated what I was told from what I have deduced/guessed...) When I heard that a data step could call a function which executed another data step, one of my first thoughts was "Well, where does that second data step run?". You have a global SAS session which has system options, a macro symbol table, titles, etc. As a sub-routine, does the code executed by run_macro excecute in that same environment? Is there inheritance? Could there be collissions? So here is what I think I have figured out. When a DATA step that invokes a user-defined function that calls run_macro is compiled, a local run_macro environment is initialized which is shared by all user functions executed within that step. This environment is local to the DATA step, and persists for the duration of the DATA step. Some attributes of this local environment are inherited from the global SAS session, and others are not. Some attributes of the local environment persist during the data step, and others are initalized each time a user function is executed. Some changes made in the local environment will collide with the global environment, and some will not. Helpful explanation, right? Test script below is basically: 1. Create global session environment: titles, options (OBS, MERGENOBY), macro vars, data set. 2. Data step which calls 2 user-written functions. The functions report on the environment in which they execute, change the environment, and report on the changed environment. 3. Report on global session environmment at the end And here is what I see [9.3 (TS1M0), results differ in 9.2]: 1. TITLES. The run_macro environment does not inherit titles from the global environment. Titles are initialized to "The SAS System" when the run_macro environment is initalized. Titles persist within the run_macro evironment (so two functions called in the same step, or one function called on two iterations of the same step, share the same title space). Changes made to the titles in the run_macro environment do not collide with the global environment. 2. MERGENOBY. The run_macro environment inherits option MERGENOBY from the global environment. MERGENOBY setting persists within the run_macro environment. Changes made to MERGENOBY in the run_macro environment do not collide witht the global environment. 3. OBS. The run_macro environment does not inherit option OBS from the global environment. Obs is reset to OBS=MAX every time run_macro is called. So the OBS option setting does NOT persist within run_macro evironment. Changes made to the OBS in the run_macro environment do not collide with the global environment. 4. GLOBAL MACRO VARS. The run_macro environment inherits global macro vars from the global session environment (or perhaps shares the same symbol table?). If a macro variable exists in the global session environment, and the value is changed in the run_macro environment, the change will persist, and will collide with the global environment (MVAR2 below). If a macro variable is created in the run_macro evironment, it will not persist within the run_macro environment (see MVAR3 below, which does is created in the first function call, but does not exist in the initial environment for the second function call, or the global environment at the end). Interestingly, macro variables created by the run_macro call itself do not collide with the global environment, but instead lead to scenario in which the symbol table of run_macro environment has two macro variables with the same name in the same scope (MVAR below). 5. Data Sets. Looks like the run_macro environment uses the same WORK library as the global environment, so data sets are inherited, they persist, and will collide. The above is my understanding of the environment created for user functions when they are called inside a DATA step (and I assume the same for PROC steps, but haven't tested). When a user function is called outside of a datastep, e.g. by %sysfunc(), the rules are different. It looks like a run_macro is environment is created, but more attributes seem to persist accross function calls. For example, titles persist. Birdie tells me that this should change in next 9.3 maintenance release. I think the run_macro environment created when run_macro is invoked by %Sysfunc() is independent of the environment created by a data step. That is about all that I think I know. My test script is below. I do think this is neat stuf, especially as featured in Mike Rhoads' paper on the Macro Function Sandwich. I haven't been able to find much in the documentation or elsewhere on these scoping issues for run_macro(), and clearly this is still new functionality, and the rules are evolving. Hopefully SAS (or someone else) will be able to put out a better description than I have tried to cobble together, but wanted to start the ball rolling. Warm Regards, --Q. %macro GetEnvironment (when= ,out=Environment ); data __tit (keep=var text rename=(text=Value)); set sashelp.vTitle; var=catt("Title",number); where type='T'; run; data __opts(keep=optname setting rename=(optname=Var setting=Value)); set sashelp.vOption; where optname IN ("MERGENOBY","OBS"); run; data __mvars(keep=name value rename=(name=Var)); set sashelp.vmacro; where scope ne "AUTOMATIC" and name=: "MVAR"; run; data __mydata; set mydata; var="MyData"; run; data __all; length Var When $40 ; set __tit __opts __mvars __mydata ; When="&when"; run; proc append base=&out data=__all; run; proc datasets library=work memtype=data; delete __tit __opts __mvars __mydata __all; run; quit; %mend GetEnvironment; %macro test1; %GetEnvironment(when=Function 1 Initial Environment) %*Change Environment; title1 "Function 1 Title"; options obs=222 mergenoby=error; %let mvar2=Function1 MVAR2 revised by macro; %*scope not declared; %let mvar3=Function1 MVAR3 created in macro; %*scope not declared; data mydata; Value="Function1 work.mydata"; run; %GetEnvironment(when=Function 1 Changed Environment) %mend; %macro test2; %GetEnvironment(when=Function 2 Initial Environment) %*Change Environment; title1 "Function 2 Title"; options obs=333 mergenoby=nowarn; %let mvar2=Function2 MVAR2 revised by macro; %*scope not declared; %let mvar3=Function2 MVAR3 created in macro; %*scope not declared; data mydata; Value="Function2 work.mydata"; run; %GetEnvironment(when=Function 2 Changed Environment) %mend; proc fcmp outlib=work.funcs.test; function func1(); mvar='Func1 MVAR'; rc=run_macro('test1',mvar); /*run_macro calls %test1, and creates macro var &mvar with value Func1 MVAR*/ return(rc); endsub; function func2(); mvar='Func2 MVAR'; rc=run_macro('test2',mvar); /*run_macro calls %test2, and creates macro var &mvar with value Func2 MVAR*/ return(rc); endsub; run; options cmplib=work.funcs varlenchk=nowarn nocenter; *Create initial Global envionment; Title1 "Global Title"; options obs=111 mergenoby=warn; %let mvar=Global Macro Var; %let mvar2=Another Global Macro Var; data mydata; Value="Global work.mydata"; run; %GetEnvironment(when=Global Session Beginning) data _null_; x=func1(); y=func2(); run; %GetEnvironment(when=Global Session End) proc print data=Environment noobs; by When notsorted; run; =================== Output ===================== When=Global Session Beginning Var Value Title1 Global Title MERGENOBY WARN OBS 111 MVAR Global Macro Var MVAR2 Another Global Macro Var MyData Global work.mydata When=Function 1 Initial Environment Var Value Title1 The SAS System MERGENOBY WARN OBS 9223372036854775807 MVAR 'Func1 MVAR' MVAR Global Macro Var MVAR2 Another Global Macro Var MyData Global work.mydata When=Function 1 Changed Environment Var Value Title1 Function 1 Title MERGENOBY ERROR OBS 222 MVAR3 Function1 MVAR3 created in macro MVAR 'Func1 MVAR' MVAR Global Macro Var MVAR2 Function1 MVAR2 revised by macro MyData Function1 work.mydata When=Function 2 Initial Environment Var Value Title1 Function 1 Title MERGENOBY ERROR OBS 9223372036854775807 MVAR 'Func2 MVAR' MVAR Global Macro Var MVAR2 Function1 MVAR2 revised by macro MyData Function1 work.mydata When=Function 2 Changed Environment Var Value Title1 Function 2 Title MERGENOBY NOWARN OBS 333 MVAR3 Function2 MVAR3 created in macro MVAR 'Func2 MVAR' MVAR Global Macro Var MVAR2 Function2 MVAR2 revised by macro MyData Function2 work.mydata When=Global Session End Var Value Title1 Global Title MERGENOBY WARN OBS 111 MVAR Global Macro Var MVAR2 Function2 MVAR2 revised by macro MyData Function2 work.mydata
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