Hi GraphGuy, The current version, produced via PROC SGPLOT, is good except the tick mark labels are too small. If I make them any larger, they collide, so every other one is "thinned out." If I could get them to wrap, I could make the text large enough. It is very important to the customer that the visits be spaced out by study day this way. That is what is complicating things, I guess. Here is the code behind it: proc sgplot data = ft2;
where usubjid_ = "&&P&QQ";
series x = ftdy y = low / legendlabel = '4 KHz Low-pass' markers lineattrs=(thickness=1 color = blue);
xaxis /*type = discrete*/
/*splitchar = '|' */
fitpolicy = none
values = (-48 1 15 29 57 85)
valuesdisplay = ('Screening' 'Baseline' 'Visit 4 (Day 15)' 'Visit 5 (Day 29)' 'Visit 6 (Day 57)' 'Visit 7 (Day 85)')
valueattrs = (family = "courier new" color=black size = 6.5 pt)
labelattrs = (family = "courier new" size = /*8.9*/ 9.5 pt color = black);
yaxis values = (-20 to 20 by 5) labelattrs = (family = "courier new" size = 8.7 pt color = black);
title1 h=8pt color=black font='courier' J=L "Drugs, Inc. Page &QQ of &TOTPAGES";
title2 h=8pt color=black font='courier' J=L "&STDNO";
title3 h=8pt color=black font='courier' J=L "Cohorts 4 and 5 Only";
title5 h=8pt color=black font='courier' J=C "&TITLE5";
title6 h=8pt color=black font='courier' J=C "&TITLE6";
title8 h=8pt color=black font='courier' J=C "Subject/Age/Sex [a]/Race [b]/Cohort/Randomized Treatment Group: &&P&QQ";
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