I have a data that looks as follows and I want to compute incidence rate.
ID events person-days exposure
1 2 80 0
2 0 11 1
3 11 60 1
4 19 30 0
where events is the dependent variable and exposure is the disease status which is dependent and person days is the total person days contributed by each individual/id. I am using proc genmod for this and want to understand the code. I understand that I have to consider the distribution poisson/poisson-nb, zero inflated. following is the code.
proc genmode data= mydata;
class exposure;
model event= exposure/offset=logpersondays dist=poisson
link=log type3;
Can someone please comment if I have the variables in correct order? Also will this code also give me the crude incidence rates?
Will appreciate any suggestions.
I am using proc genmod and want to understand the code
The code looks fine. GENMOD is a general modeling procedure, so it doesn't provide specialized summary statistics like the crude rates. But you can easily get those with simple calculations:
proc means nway data=a;
class exposure;
var events persondays;
output out=out sum=sumevents sumdays;
data crude;
set out;
proc print;
The code looks fine. GENMOD is a general modeling procedure, so it doesn't provide specialized summary statistics like the crude rates. But you can easily get those with simple calculations:
proc means nway data=a;
class exposure;
var events persondays;
output out=out sum=sumevents sumdays;
data crude;
set out;
proc print;
Awesome, I ran this and got the crude rates that I had calculated using a long convoluted code, being a new SAS user :). This one is so much more efficient.
I am now interested in knowing if my results are significant. I think we are already discussing this in another post started by me that you have answered, and I will keep an eye on that one.
For those who are following this, here is the link to the other post
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