Can someone please help me with this question about how to compute IRR.
From my dataset, I have calculated crude incidence rates for cases and controls using (numbers of events/ total person-years for each group).
And now I want to know if this association is significant.
I have a dataset with cases and controls according to disease status. For each ID I have
1.case/control status (1/0),
2. person-years contributed by each id
3. log person-years contributed by each ID
4. and number of events per ID.
Can someone please explain how can I calculate IRR and test for significance or if any more steps are needed? I have the log person-years variable because I was trying to run proc genmod but couldn't find information on how to run it in context of incidence rates.
I will be happy to provide more detail if needed.
As shown in the note, the OFFSET= option specifies a variable in the DATA= data set that is the log of the person-time for each observation. The beginning of the note shows how using the log of person-time as an offset in the model allows you to model a rate.
There is a function FINANCE('irr', ) .
Or could try older function IRR() .
See this note which discusses estimating rates and rate ratios using a log-linked Poisson model and LS-means in PROC GENMOD.
Thank you, Statdave
I went over the link that you had sent. Can you please clarify what is "ln" in the offset statement? In the document, it is mentioned that
"ln = log(n)"
In which case is it the log of the total person-time contributed by the entire cohort (cases and controls)? or the logs of the total person time contributed by each individual?
Here is the code that I have changed according to my data.
proc genmod data=mydata; class disease exposure; model outcome = disease exposure / dist=poisson link=log offset=(what is this?); run;
I understand that I have to make some assumptions about the distribution of the outcome before I run this.
I appreciate your help.
As shown in the note, the OFFSET= option specifies a variable in the DATA= data set that is the log of the person-time for each observation. The beginning of the note shows how using the log of person-time as an offset in the model allows you to model a rate.
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