Hi all,
I am currently analyzing a study where participants answered a questionnaire about how they perceived/graded two different stimuli (CS+ and CS-) after receiving either medication A, medication B or Placebo. I succeed to perform the non parametric anova using turkey adjust :
/* Ranks on Fear */
%macro rank_Fear(dataset);
proc rank data=&dataset out=&dataset;
var Fear;
ranks r_el_Fear;
/* Non-parametric ANOVA on Fear ranks */
CLASS Subject CS Grp;
MODEL r_el_Fear=CS|Grp;
lsmeans CS Grp CS*Grp/ adjust=tukey;
ods select ModelInfo Tests3 diffs lsmeans;
However since it is a medication study with a placebo I am thinking that it could make sense to use dunnett adj instead
CLASS Subject CS Grp_cat;
MODEL r_el_Fear=CS|Grp_cat;
lsmeans Grp_cat /PDIFF=CONTROL('Group 3'') adjust=dunnett;
ods select ModelInfo Tests3 diffs lsmeans;
Now I am a bit confused as I can't find a way to look at CS*Grp_cat interaction with dunnett adj, which would be really valuable for me. Is there a way to look at interaction using Dunnett in SAS?
Thank you for your time!
@SASAlice wrote:Now I am a bit confused as I can't find a way to look at CS*Grp_cat interaction with dunnett adj, which would be really valuable for me. Is there a way to look at interaction using Dunnett in SAS?
Why can't you do something like?
lsmeans CS * Gtp_cat / stderr pdiff cl cov adjust=dunnett DIFF=CONTROL('abcxyz' 'Group 3');
What happens then?
BR, Koen
Thank you for your reply.
I tried and if I am not mistaken it seems that 'stderr' is not recognize
Would you have another suggestion?
It seems 'stderr' is indeed a key-word that you cannot use as an option (after the forward slash) on the LSMEANS statement.
SAS/STAT 15.3 User's Guide
Shared Concepts and Topics
Syntax: LSMEANS Statement
Just get rid of 'stderr' and submit again.
BR, Koen
Beware using Dunnett's adjustment on rank based means. Dunnett's adjustment is fairly robust, but one thing that can really mess with it is a lot of ties. If your data is not heavily tied (less than 10% ties), you should be OK.
For comparison of multiple groups to a single control for a nonparametric analysis (Kruskal-Wallis), Dunn's test is often recommended. While also influenced by ties (as is any rank based analysis), it is not as affected as Dunnett's test. SAS does not currently offer Dunn's as a multiplicity adjustment, so you would probably have to search for it on the internet.
However, SAS does offer the method of Edwards and Berry (ADJUST=SIMULATE), which is truly distribution-free, and provides superior family-wise error control to any of the other methods available for the LSMEANS or LSMESTIMATE statement.
Hi Koen,
I also tried that before but I was having an error message, however with your suggestion I tried again few ways and it seems that the main structure of the code works but the order of the variables need to be carefully chosen like following:
lsmeans Grp_cat*CS / adjust=dunnett diff=control('CSMinus' 'Group 3') cl ;
This didn't work (which may be why it took some time to figure out how to do):
lsmeans CS*Grp_cat / adjust=dunnett diff=control('CSMinus' 'Group 3') cl ;
Thank you!!
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ANOVA, or Analysis Of Variance, is used to compare the averages or means of two or more populations to better understand how they differ. Watch this tutorial for more.
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