Hi, I am working with repeated measurement analysis with two treatment factors and day. The result outputs do not give letter annotation for the mean separation. So I am wondering how to do it since proc glm will work but not proc mixed
Data RM;
set RM;
A_new = A + 1;
A_sq = sqrt(A_new);
A_log = log(A_new);
ods graphics on;
proc sort data= RM;
by EU Day;
%macro one(type);
proc mixed data= RM cl plots=residualpanel (conditional) plot=boxplot (conditional); /*Test assumption */
class Block Day Accession Irrigation EU;
model A_log = Accession Day Irrigation Accession*Day Accession*Irrigation Irrigation*Day Accession*Irrigation*Day / ddfm=satterth; /*Satterthwaite ddf are requested.
Without this specification, Proc Mixed may give erroneous ddf for repeated measures,*/
Random Block;
repeated Day / subject=EU type=&type r rcorr;
lsmeans Accession Day Irrigation Accession*Day Accession*Irrigation Irrigation*Day Accession*Irrigation*Day/adjust=Tukey;
%mend one; /*"%mend" indicates the end of the macro*/
%one(un); /*each time we write "%one" we are calling up the macro and running it with the type of Covariance structure designated in the parenthesis. For example, on this line we are saying, "Run the macro "one" using the unstructured covariance matrix" ("unstructured" means all variances and covariances are estimated separately) */
/*%one(ar(1)); */
/*%one(arh(1)); */
/*%one(toep); */
/*%one(toeph); */
ods graphics off;
%LET type=toeph;
proc mixed data= RM cl plots=residualpanel (conditional) plot=boxplot (conditional);
class Block Day Accession Irrigation EU;
model A_log = Accession Day Irrigation
Accession*Day Accession*Irrigation Irrigation*Day Accession*Irrigation*Day
/ ddfm=satterth;
Random Block;
repeated Day / subject=EU type=&type r rcorr;
lsmeans Accession Day Irrigation
Accession*Day Accession*Irrigation Irrigation*Day Accession*Irrigation*Day
/ adjust=Tukey;
store ABCXYZ / label='PLM: Getting Started';
proc plm restore=ABCXYZ;
lsmeans Accession*Irrigation / lines linestable;
ods output LSMLines=LSMLines;
/* end of program */
You want this?
This is a paper from SUGI 23 (SUGI --> SAS Global Forum --> SAS Explore).
I believe SUGI 23 was in 2003 or so.
A Macro for Converting Mean Separation Output to Letter Groupings in PROC MIXED
Arnold M. Saxton, University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station
Knoxville, Tennessee
Thank you for the information. I did the extra codes in my code but I got an error showing ! %pdmix612(DIFFSDATASET, LSMEANSDATASET, alpha=0.05, sort=NO, worksize=1); Error; incoccerct5INCLUDE statement will not be executed. There is a syntax error. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro PDMIX612 not resolved.
Do you know what is happening?
The %INCLUDE statement has a wrong syntax
(hence the macro was not compiled and hence does not "exist" for your SAS session) :
Instead of :
%include A:PDMIX612.SAS;
you need something like :
%include 'C:\Users\ABC_XYZ\Downloads\PDMIX612.SAS' / source2;
@ngui wrote:
Can I know where can I get or download the A:PDMIX612.SAS?
Is it something that I can create or I need to get from somewhere
The paper says (on page 4) :
The macro code pdmix612.sas can be obtained by anonymous FTP from the server SCS1.AG.UTK.EDU.
That will probably no longer work.
You can try to contact the author (if e-mail address still correct).
Moreover you need SAS/IML (SAS module with Interactive Matrix Language)
and maybe SAS/IML is not in your license key.
Maybe you should follow suggestion by @data_null__ and use LINES option in PROC PLM.
@ngui wrote:
I am using SAS9.4 and it is installed on my computer. Will it be the same as SAS/IML?
PROC GLM and PROC MIXED (and PROC PLM) are part of a SAS 9.4 module called SAS/STAT.
SAS/IML is another SAS module (some MATLAB like thing with a matrix language for linear algebra and matrix operations).
To see whether SAS/IML is in your license key, you need to submit :
proc setinit; run;
Then you need to see (something like) this in your LOG-screen :
14JUL2024 (CPU A)
---SAS/IML Studio
14JUL2024 (CPU A)
BR, Koen
Seems like you might be able to use LINES option with PROC PLM
Here is doc for PROC PLM.
The PLM procedure performs Post-fitting (Linear Model) statistical analyses for the contents of a SAS item store that was previously created with the STORE statement in some other SAS/STAT procedure (like PROC MIXED).
SAS® 9.4 and SAS® Viya® 3.5 Programming Documentation
SAS/STAT 15.3 User's Guide
The PLM Procedure
LSMEANS Statement
This might help.
data BlockDesign;
input block a b y @@;
1 1 1 56 1 1 2 41
1 2 1 50 1 2 2 36
1 3 1 39 1 3 2 35
2 1 1 30 2 1 2 25
2 2 1 36 2 2 2 28
2 3 1 33 2 3 2 30
3 1 1 32 3 1 2 24
3 2 1 31 3 2 2 27
3 3 1 15 3 3 2 19
4 1 1 30 4 1 2 25
4 2 1 35 4 2 2 30
4 3 1 17 4 3 2 18
proc mixed data=BlockDesign;
class block a b;
model y = a b a*b / solution;
random block;
store BlockAnalysis / label='PLM: Getting Started';
ods trace on;
proc plm restore=blockanalysis;
lsmeans a*b / lines linestable;
ods output LSMLines=LSMLines;
ods trace off;
proc contents varnum;
proc print;
Here's an example with PROC GLIMMIX (instead of PROC MIXED).
The crucial part is the STORE statement:
proc glimmix data=multicenter;
class center group;
model sideeffect/n = group / solution;
random intercept / subject=center;
store gmx;
proc plm source=gmx;
lsmeans group / cl ilink;
gmx is the name of the item store.
Using item stores and PROC PLM enables you to perform separate common post-processing tasks, CONTRASTS, ESTIMATES, LSMEANS, and LSMESTIMATES for a mixed-model analysis.
%LET type=toeph;
proc mixed data= RM cl plots=residualpanel (conditional) plot=boxplot (conditional);
class Block Day Accession Irrigation EU;
model A_log = Accession Day Irrigation
Accession*Day Accession*Irrigation Irrigation*Day Accession*Irrigation*Day
/ ddfm=satterth;
Random Block;
repeated Day / subject=EU type=&type r rcorr;
lsmeans Accession Day Irrigation
Accession*Day Accession*Irrigation Irrigation*Day Accession*Irrigation*Day
/ adjust=Tukey;
store ABCXYZ / label='PLM: Getting Started';
proc plm restore=ABCXYZ;
lsmeans Accession*Irrigation / lines linestable;
ods output LSMLines=LSMLines;
/* end of program */
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