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Hello, I know there are similar questions on this forum but being a SAS noob, I have been unable to get anything to work for my particular use case. Below I provide a simple example dataset that illustrates the issue. I have an "unbalanced" dataset where I have 3 species, sp1, sp2, and sp3, for which biomass was measured. But sp1 was measured in months 6,7,8,9 while sp2 and sp3 were not measured in month 6 but only in 7,8,9.
I understand why the lsmeans statement returns non-estimable for species 2 and 3 because you cannot get a least-square mean over empty cells. However I want to write an estimate statement to get means for sp2 and sp3, only over months 7,8,9 and not considering month 6. I still get non-estimable in that case. I don't understand whether I am writing the statement incorrectly or whether I am misunderstanding what the estimate statement is doing.
Thanks for your help!
DATA example;
INPUT pasture $ block $ month $ year $ species $ biomass;
3 1 6 2021 sp1 745
6 2 6 2021 sp1 1011
9 3 6 2021 sp1 1129
3 1 7 2021 sp1 1612
6 2 7 2021 sp1 2034
9 3 7 2021 sp1 2210
3 1 8 2021 sp1 2795
6 2 8 2021 sp1 2975
9 3 8 2021 sp1 2699
3 1 9 2021 sp1 499
6 2 9 2021 sp1 624
9 3 9 2021 sp1 759
1 1 7 2021 sp2 2422
2 1 7 2021 sp3 2685
4 2 7 2021 sp3 1276
5 2 7 2021 sp2 2303
7 3 7 2021 sp2 2269
8 3 7 2021 sp3 784
1 1 8 2021 sp2 6833
2 1 8 2021 sp3 3604
4 2 8 2021 sp3 2231
5 2 8 2021 sp2 8447
7 3 8 2021 sp2 6303
8 3 8 2021 sp3 1656
1 1 9 2021 sp2 3675
2 1 9 2021 sp3 1129
4 2 9 2021 sp3 1552
5 2 9 2021 sp2 6495
7 3 9 2021 sp2 5575
8 3 9 2021 sp3 647
proc glimmix data=example;
class species month pasture block;
model biomass=species|month / e dist=gamma link=log s;
random pasture(block);
lsmeans species; * Species 2 and 3 are not estimable which makes sense because they have no data for month 6;
estimate "Species 2, only months 7-9" species 0 1 0 month 0 1 1 1; * Also not estimable but I don't understand why not because I am not averaging over any empty cells;
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Thank you for this very helpful comment! It got me 99% of the way there. The bylevel option did not give me exactly what I wanted because I wanted the lsmean of each species only across the months 7-9 cells. Using bylevel gives the correct lsmean for species 2 and 3 but not species 1. But your suggestion to use OM inspired me to look in the documentation. I found that creating a new dataset for obsmargins that does not include month 6, and passing that as the obsmargins dataset in proc plm, I can get the correct lsmeans that I was looking for, see code below.
data nojune; set example;
where month <> '6';
proc glimmix data=example;
class species month pasture block;
model biomass=species|month / dist=gamma link=log;
random pasture(block);
store out=examplemod;
proc plm restore=examplemod;
lsmeans species / cl obsmargins=nojune pdiff adjust=tukey;
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lsmeans species /stderr tdiff pdiff cl om bylevel ;
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Thank you for this very helpful comment! It got me 99% of the way there. The bylevel option did not give me exactly what I wanted because I wanted the lsmean of each species only across the months 7-9 cells. Using bylevel gives the correct lsmean for species 2 and 3 but not species 1. But your suggestion to use OM inspired me to look in the documentation. I found that creating a new dataset for obsmargins that does not include month 6, and passing that as the obsmargins dataset in proc plm, I can get the correct lsmeans that I was looking for, see code below.
data nojune; set example;
where month <> '6';
proc glimmix data=example;
class species month pasture block;
model biomass=species|month / dist=gamma link=log;
random pasture(block);
store out=examplemod;
proc plm restore=examplemod;
lsmeans species / cl obsmargins=nojune pdiff adjust=tukey;