I'm using proc mixed to get estimates and the plots for model validity check.
ods graphics on;
ods output lsmeans=estimate
proc mixed data = mydata (where=(treatn in (1,2,3))) plots=all;
by estremn estrem atypen atype paramcd param avisitn avisit ;
class treatn;
model aval = treatn base/residual outp=resid;
lsmeans treatn / pdiff=control('1');
lsmeans treatn / pdiff=control('2');
ods output close;
ods graphics off;
Help is needed to create a file in the "Output" folder where all the plots go instead of going to the user area folder
Specify a statement like the following to direct the displayed results to an rtf file:
ods rtf file='tmp.rtf';
You might just need to close the Listing destination:
ods listing close;
Related to your question, in SAS 9.4M6 the ODS destination for Word has been added as a preproduction destination. This destination creates Microsoft Word documents (.docx).
"The ODS destination for Word standard format is richer than the intermediate text formats of ODS RTF reports. Although Microsoft Word reads the intermediate text format reports, some SAS reporting elements might get lost in translation because the intermediate formats of the RTF-generated report are not as rich as the standard formats required by the ODS destination for Word."
ods word file="pagexofy.docx"
In ODS, you can control the image location (path) for ODS Graphics output and you can also specify the format of the image. Here's an example:
ods graphics
/ reset
width=5in /* width of the image = 5 inches */
imagefmt=png /* Format of the image */;
ods listing
gpath="path" /*path of the destination folder of the image */
image_dpi=200 /* Dot per inch resolution */
style=analysis /* ODS Style */;
Are you ready for the spotlight? We're accepting content ideas for SAS Innovate 2025 to be held May 6-9 in Orlando, FL. The call is open until September 16. Read more here about why you should contribute and what is in it for you!
ANOVA, or Analysis Of Variance, is used to compare the averages or means of two or more populations to better understand how they differ. Watch this tutorial for more.
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