Hi, I'm using proc mix to fit ANCOVA model to get the following: 1) LS means of each treatment 2) SE of each treatment 3) LS means difference (placebo - each treatment) with placebo as treatn=3 4) SE difference (placebo - each treatment) 5) SD (standard deviation of residuals from the model) 6) Plot studentized residuals versus predicted values, and also check the distribution of (unstandardized) residuals using a plot. The code is: ods output lsmeans=estimate diffs=diff; proc mixed data = mydata (where=(treatn in (1,2,3))); by treatn treat avisitn avisit; class treatn; model aval = treatn avisitn base; lsmeans treatn / diff=control('3'); run; ods output close; I'm getting error: "WARNING: Output 'Diff' was not created. Make sure that the output object name, label, or path is spelled correctly. Also, verify that the appropriate procedure options are used to produce the requested output object. For example, verify that the NOPRINT option is not used." Help is needed to resolve the error and guidance to use the proc mix appropriately to achieve above mentioned requirements for ANCOVA. Thanks
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